008 – A few words

Shalom from Jerusalem,

We are finding life very busy here at present.

Thank you for the positive feedback and comments on our videos. There is a lot of work go into these, at least 10 hours each, up to 20hrs, depending on detail. We are sure hoping to refine this, the balance of time between work, family and videos is a challenge.

Please also if there is something you want to see here or you are reading a bible story you think we could bring to life, please share with us! The trouble I am facing at the moment is knowing where to start when there is sooo much we would like to share.

This week James is doing a block course at the Israel Academy of Ministry, leaving the apartment at about 7:30am and getting home after 9pm, Last day tomorrow (Thursday) thankfully.



Prayer requests this week;

Health, I got a good dose of Hayfever and that has dropped my system to let a bit of a cold in.
Which Maddy then picked up and possibly Reuben too.

Safety, for our family as we travel around on buses and trains, there has been a few terror incidents here in the last 48hrs which is causing some unrest.

Finnally, pray for patience, long suffering, being full time hands and feet for the body of Christ is not easy, as I’m sure many of you know. We are enjoying it, but its hard work to endure.