Shalom from Jerusalem,
Wow, we were lucky enough celebrate Easter this year in the City that those events took place! Pretty special, a once in a lifetime experience for some! We decided to do something adventurous seeing as we were in such a special place….so we got the kids up at 5 am and took the train then a bus to get to the Haas Promenade in Talpiot, Jerusalem, before dawn.
There we met up with a group of people who also volunteer with Bridges For Peace to watch the sunrise and worship Yeshua (Jesus) for what he did at the cross, to praise Him for conquering death and proclaiming that he rose again and is ALIVE! Afterwards we shared a pot-luck breakfast overlooking the City with a view towards the Old City and the Mt of Olives.
How privileged and humbled we felt, being here on Resurrection Sunday. Meditating on what Jesus did for us, and just looking out over the land where he walked and also where He will return (hopefully one day soon!).
We picked out a few bible passages that we find appropriate for a time such as this;
Psalm 22:16-18. This was written approximately 1000 years before Jesus was born. This is an awesome example of prophecy that came to pass as Jesus hung on the cross, before the people.
Isaiah 53:3-6. This was written approximately 700 years before Jesus was born. Prophetic writings that describe the life, persecution & torture of Jesus and also the reason for his death, was that we may be healed from our own straying and iniquities.
Psalm 16:9-10. Written approximately 1000 years BC. A prophecy that Jesus, the faithful one, his body will not see decay as he rises, conquering death and living secure at the throne of God.
Matthew 28:1-10. Written around the year 80 AD, by Matthew, one of Jesus friends and disciples. Matthew spent years with Jesus, following and learning from his teaching. Following his death and resurrection, Matthew, along with the other disciples spent decades telling again and again the stories and teachings of Jesus, then at the end of his life he made sure to carefully scribe this account, so his testimony would live long beyond his time here on earth. One of the many historical accounts that Jesus is resurrected.