We have been busy here as usual.
Poor Lucy fractured her tibia. That is the weight bearing bone in her leg, OUCH!
Reuben has started walking. And he is getting into everything!
A couple of weeks ago now due to situations outside our control, we were given notice and have been forced to leave our apartment, with 5 weeks notice and not knowing where to go…
Maddy felt that God wanted us to simply pray for the first 7 days after finding out. Anytime we would have spent online searching or ringing real estate agents we were to pray and commit it to God.
The short story is, God had a place for us. Everything aligned and slotted into place perfectly in only the way it can when you give it over to God and He is orchestrating things.
We are moving into our new place in the last week of July and are feeling incredibly blessed and cared for by the Almighty.
The other exciting news we have is that our calling here has been extended! We are coming home in September / October for a home tour for 7 weeks before heading back to Israel for another 2 year long commitment. This too, has taken a lot of prayer and consideration and we are both united in the strong feeling that we are to come back and serve here awhile longer.
While we are home we are wanting to have as many small group meetings as possible. Would you consider holding an evening of questions & answers with an Israel focus? If so, please get in contact with us as we will only have a relatively small amount of time before we head back over here to continue our service.